This is not me being compulsively early. I did not randomly decide to come in early and prepare for lessons. No, Rome train transportation simply threatened to strike, which means the last morning train leaves at 8:30am... Now they cancelled the strike yesterday... However, given that the last time they "cancelled" a strike, it wasn't actually cancelled and we all wound up being late for work, this time we (two other teachers and myself) decided to take the train to work before 8:30am...
I've been awake since 7am... well, ok, half awake lying in bed trying to convince myself to keep my eyes open. Nonetheless I was out the door by 8am and very luckily caught the 8:20 train. Oh, and just to be clear, I got to the station and realized that the strike has ACTUALLY been cancelled and today trains are running normally, but it was too late to turn back around. I was not going to walk the 20 minutes to my house for a nap only to have to walk back later on.
So I got to Acilia before 9 and then walked to the grocery store. I decided that if I'm going to be here literally ALL day long, I was at least going to have amazing food to carry me through.
At the grocery store, I had way too much fun. I got kiwis, strawberries, mozzarella, milk, chocolate cereal, a giant bottle of coca cola zero, and bread for just about €9. Essentially breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next 2 days.
imagined from the packaging and turned my milk into chocolate milk. It was delicious especially since it's the first time I've had cereal in ages. Oh and I decided to cut my strawberries into it as well! Chocolate cereal and milk with freshly sliced strawberries. YES! Breakfast of champions...
The chocolate cereal was crisp and super chocolate (actually more than I had actually anticipated... good thing I like chocolate) and the strawberries were very ripe and sweet.
The strawberries were so delicious |
The kiwis aren't quite ripe yet, so those will be for tomorrow.
Lunch is going to be a sandwich using the bread and mozzarella from the store. No worries, it won't just be mozzarella! I also brought some stuff from home. I have lettuce, tomatoes and prosciutto from a couple of days ago and the fresh spinach I bought at the market yesterday. Plus I still have leftover fried eggplant from yesterday as well. It is going to be an epic sandwich.
Tonight when I go home I'm going to cook. I think I'll make a lentil soup for the next couple of days and I'll also make myself a spinach and cream sauce for some pasta. I want to cook up about half the kilo of spinach I bought yesterday while it's fresh. I'll steam it with some garlic, salt and oil and it will be incredible. The rest of the spinach I'll eat in salads even though my Italian roommate looks at me like I'm crazy whenever I do. She didn't know that raw spinach is healthy and delicious for consumption. -.- I was a little shocked but slowly I'm introducing her to some entertaining foodie facts!!
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