Saturday, October 12, 2013

Mornings, Espresso and Happy Hippos

Every morning since being in Rome I've woken up relatively early to get to work. From Endira's apartment, it takes a little under an hour of public transportation and commute time to get to Acilia, where our school is. The time on the train is nice for me to phase out and ignore the world around me, or to catch up on my reading, so I don't mind it all that much.
When I find my own apartment, my commute will probably be less, but we'll see. Knowing me I'll be running around like a crazy person trying not to miss trains in the AM.
That being said, I'm very glad that there is a bar (a coffee bar, not an alcoholic beverage shop) right outside the train station in Acilia.  The espresso and macchiatos are under a Euro and they have all sorts of other goodies to munch on.  So far I usually get a macchiato and maybe a small chocolate filled cornetto (croissant like pastry).
However, a couple of mornings ago I found my favorite snack by Kinder sitting by the register and I could not resist.  I found Happy Hippos!  I love Happy Hippos.  They are a crispy cookie like cookie shaped like a hippo filled with nutella (or a creamy hazelnut instead). The outside ages are lined with sprinkles which look like a mouth and it has eyes too.
I love the taste thanks to the delicious nutella. I also really like the contrast of the crunchy exterior to smooth and creamy interior.
I obviously had to get one. I saved it for a snack between some of my classes (right between my 4 year olds and my 10 year olds). I was in quite the happy place... so I took pictures!  ahahahaha Don't judge. The kids added to my already hyper, silly state. I ate it in three bites!

The cutest hippo ever!!

Goodbye My Hippo!!

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